Membership Categories
- Active (3,396): Periodontists licensed to practice in the United States
- Associate (77): Dentists interested in periodontology
- Student (675): Dentists enrolled in an ADA-approved periodontal program
- International (1,213): Dentists residing outside of the United States who are interested in periodontology
- Life-Active (852): Those age 65 or older who have been an Active member in good standing in the Academy for at least 25 consecutive years, may still practice
- Retired (684): Members of any dues-paying category who are completely retired from practice
Gender Distribution
- 72% of members are male
- 28% of members are female
Membership Distribution
- 3,300+ Active members are licensed to practice periodontics in the U.S.
- 650+ Student members are currently enrolled in an accredited U.S. or Canadian perdiodontal residency program
- 1,200+ International members reside outside of the U.S.
- 78 countries are represented, with the top nine international countries being Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Italy, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, and Greece
Mode of Practice*
- 33% sole proprietor
- 14% academic practice
- 13% partner in a periodontal practice
- 13% independent contractor
- 7% employee/associate
Members’ Perceived Purpose of the AAP*
- 36% serve and support periodontists
- 32% provide useful information/education/tools
- 24% promote the AAP/periodontists
- 21% advocate for the specialty
Annual Meeting Professional Participation
- 2021 – 1,981 in-person attendees in Miami Beach, FL
- 2020 – 2,388 virtual attendees
- 2019 – 3,109 in-person attendees in Chicago, IL
- 2018 – 2,871 in-person attendees in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Member Engagement
- 23,500+ Facebook followers
- 8,358+ Twitter followers
- 9,884+ LinkedIn followers
- 6,294+ Instagram followers
*Selected results from the Academy’s 2021 membership survey and are subject to change.