Contact information for companies that provide a range of services for authors, including English-language editing, proofreading, translation, manuscript formatting, and figure preparation.
American Journal Experts
Bluegrass Editing, LLC
Cambridge Proofreading LTD
Editing Press
These service providers are listed as a resource for authors submitting to the Journal of Periodontology and Clinical Advances in Periodontics. None of these companies are associated with the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP),Journal of Periodontology, or Clinical Advances in Periodontics, and the AAP has not investigated their credentials or qualifications. Thus, listing these names is not intended as, and should not be viewed as, an endorsement of these companies by the AAP. Rather, each author who is considering using these services should make his or her own determination of the qualifications of any service provider under consideration. The AAP does not receive any commission or other benefit from any service provider in exchange for their listing. Authors should contact and arrange payment directly with the service provider. All services acquired from these or any other providers are at the author’s own expense and risk, and the AAP will have no involvement in the interaction between author and service provider. The AAP does not endorse, and accepts no responsibility or liability for any services provided by, any of the companies listed. Use of these services does not guarantee acceptance for publication in the Journal of Periodontology or Clinical Advances in Periodontics.