The duties, accountability, and qualifications of the district trustees elected to the AAP Board.
- Organizational – To the Academy and its members for areas under its authority (e.g., Bylaws revisions).
- Statutory – Subject to laws of the state of Illinois, where the Academy is incorporated.
- Approve organizational mission, goals, strategies and public policies.
- Approve and monitor internal policies and governance activities, including but not limited to:
- Acquisition and merger investigations and recommendations for member approval.
- Corporate dissolution.
- Governing body creation and dissolution recommendations for General Assembly approval.
- Hiring the Executive Director (contract staff position).
- Final court of appeals on all disputes.
- Establish strategic and operating plans for the Academy and oversee their implementation.
- Delegate Board of Trustees functional responsibilities as the Board of Trustees determines appropriate (may not delegate Board authority or accountability).
- Ratify, modify or reverse each action of the Executive Committee. This shall be done at the next scheduled Board meeting following the actions of the Executive Committee or by a conference call of the Board.
Scan, plan, monitor, and adjust the Academy’s strategic plan and operating plan.
- Approve public policy and position statements.
- Approve organizational policy, AAP mission is subject to voting members’ approval.
- Approve strategic plan and operating plan.
- Approve annual budget with review and comment in the General Assembly.
- Act as publisher for Journal of Periodontology and establish publication policies.
- Oversee strategic plan and operating plan outcomes.
- Make plan adjustments to act on emerging opportunities and to correct/mitigate plan deficiencies.
- Financial oversight including financial policies, budget approval, and adjustments, administered for the Board of Trustees by the Finance Committee.
- External audit specifications and action taken as a result of the audit report, administered for the Board of Trustees by the Finance Committee.
- Establish qualifications and performance requirements for the Executive Director.
- Oversee membership policies as specified in Bylaws and Board of Trustees policy.
- Oversee publications policies (as publisher), administered by the Editor.
- All voting members of the Board of Trustees must meet requirements for experience, prerequisite knowledge, skills, specialized training and work-style characteristics applicable to all leadership members.
- The Parliamentarian and Editor, non voting members of the Board of Trustees, must meet professional qualifications determined by the Board of Trustees.
- Meets Bylaws and Policy Manual requirements for the position.
- Experienced speaker; articulate, persuasive, and credible.
- Skilled writer.
- Thinks big-picture and long-range.
- Able to translate abstract ideas into tangible statements of desired outcomes.
- Skilled at assessing the impact significance of proposed Academy actions to manage corporate financial risk.
- Understands and has a commitment to all Academy policies, goals, and initiatives.
- In-depth knowledge of current and pending professional practice standards.
- In-depth knowledge of the:
- Profession and professional landscape in which members practice.
- Legal obligations of nonprofit corporate trustees.
- Academy’s governance structure, planning systems, and trustee’s role within them.
- Academy’s diversity commitment and the initiatives which support it.
- Functional responsibilities of the Board of Trustees.
- Authority levels and limits of the Board of Trustees.
- Organizational and constituent accountability.
- Fiduciary duties (care, loyalty, obedience).
- Personal and corporate liability.
- Anti-trust laws as related to not-for-profits, (e.g., membership and restraint of trade, price fixing, etc.).
- Corporation’s tax status and Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) implications.
- Member-Staff governance partnership and role delineation.
- Knowledge of fundamental accounting principles and procedures.
- Basic understanding of Academy financial management and accounting systems.
- Ability to correctly interpret balance sheet, income statement, and other financial reporting information in Academy formats.
- Adept at and possesses technical capability for distance communication.
- Able to travel on Academy business.
- Informed and well-read to acquire global perspective on the profession and its practice.
- Membership status in good standing.
- Not subject to a punishable disciplinary action by Academy in the past five years prior to election.
- Service on one or more Academy committees, task forces, or work groups.
- Past service in a leadership capacity for a state and/or regional periodontal society.
- Possesses the following work style characteristics:
- Authority – Makes decisions or takes actions that demonstrate an understanding of personal scope of authority and the appropriate working relationships with persons from all association publics.
- Stability under pressure – Achieves when under pressure to spontaneously or under difficult circumstances produce a positive result.
- Decisiveness – Makes decisions and takes action, within the scope of own authority, on matters that require action in order to meet objectives or take advantage of emerging opportunities.
- Cooperation – Strong team player. Exhibits willingness and effectiveness in interaction with others to champion and help implement association programs, activities, and initiatives.
- Relationship Building – Exhibits the ability to forge new relationships, solidify existing ones, and fix broken or endangered relationships with members, staff, and external organizations and individuals who are important to the association’s success.
- Quality of work – Attention to and concern for accuracy, thoroughness, and dependability of results in planning for, monitoring and adjusting programs, activities, and initiatives for the association.
- Consistency in communications – Provides information that satisfies the needs of other member governing bodies and the general membership.
- Dependability – Consistent in carrying out functional duties completely and on time.
- Impartiality – Fully and fairly considers all points of view before making decisions. Provides equal consideration, assistance, and support to colleagues, governance participants, and staff to facilitate completing Academy programs, activities, and initiatives.
- Courage – makes difficult decisions and champions Board of Trustee positions in the face of opposition and/or criticism.
- Delegation of responsibility – Clearly articulates desired outcomes to other governance participants and governing bodies. Empowers other governing bodies to take action to achieve stated outcomes, allowing them to develop their own preferred work methods, within Board of Trustee specified parameters and resource allocations.