What is the Lunch ‘n Learn Program?

The program is coordinated by Academy staff upon request of a dental student. Presentations are provided on a volunteer basis by local Academy members. Today, Lunch ‘n Learn programs continue to gain popularity, reaching out to dental schools nationwide—even undergraduate pre-dental clubs.

Who can Participate in a Lunch ‘n Learn Event?

Dental students and pre-dental students.

When Can I schedule a Lunch ‘n Learn Event?

Programs are scheduled over the lunch hour, but exceptions can be made to schedule over the dinner hour, depending on which works best for the institution and the volunteer speaker.

Why Should I Schedule a Lunch ‘n Learn Event at My Institution?

The goal of this program is to encourage the best and brightest dental students to apply to postdoctoral periodontal programs. The Academy hopes to increase exposure to our exciting specialty by providing a general session for predoctoral students to ask questions. Also, it’s a fun way for the students to get involved and learn more about the field—and enjoy a free lunch!

Where Does a Lunch ‘n Learn Program Take Place?

On your institution’s campus, usually in a classroom or lecture hall. It depends on how many students are expected to attend.

How Can I Schedule a Lunch ‘n Learn Program at My Institution?

Complete and submit the Lunch ‘n Learn Request Form. Once your request has been received, the Academy will contact you and begin working on securing a speaker. The reimbursement for lunch has a maximum of $400.

If you have questions, please  or call 800-282-4867×3230.