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Connective Tissue Graft

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Dermal Matrix

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Guided Tissue Regeneration

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Enamel Matrix Derivative

Abbas, F., Wennström, J., Van Der Weijden, F., Schneiders, T., & Van Der Velden, U. (2003). Surgical treatment of gingival recessions using emdogain gel: Clinical procedure and case reports. International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 23(6), 607-613.

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McGuire, M. K., & Cochran, D. L. (2003). Evaluation of human recession defects treated with coronally advanced flaps and either enamel matrix derivative or connective tissue. part 2: Histological evaluation. Journal of Periodontology, 74(8), 1126-1135.

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Growth Factors

Bashutski, J. D., & Wang, H. L. (2008). Role of platelet-rich plasma in soft tissue root-coverage procedures: A review. Quintessence International, 39(6), 473-483.

Cheung, W. S., & Griffin, T. J. (2004). A comparative study of root coverage with connective tissue and platelet concentrate grafts: 8-month results. Journal of Periodontology, 75(12), 1678-1687.

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Huang, L. H., Neiva, R. E., Soehren, S. E., Giannobile, W. V., & Wang, H. L. (2005). The effect of platelet-rich plasma on the coronally advanced flap root coverage procedure: A pilot human trial. Journal of Periodontology, 76(10), 1768-1777.

Keceli, H. G., Sengun, D., Berberoglu, A., & Karabulut, E. (2008). Use of platelet gel with connective tissue grafts for root coverage: A randomized-controlled trial.Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 35(3), 255-262.

Kontovazainitis, G., Griffin, T. J., & Cheung, W. S. (2008). Treatment of gingival recession using platelet concentrate with a bioabsorbable membrane and coronally advanced flap: A report of two cases. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 28(3), 301-307.

McGuire, M. K., & Scheyer, E. T. (2006). Comparison of recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB plus beta tricalcium phosphate and a collagen membrane to subepithelial connective tissue grafting for the treatment of recession defects: A case series. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 26(2), 127-133.

McGuire, M. K., Scheyer, E. T., & Schupbach, P. (2009). Growth factor-mediated treatment of recession defects: A randomized controlled trial and histologic and microcomputed tomography examination. Journal of Periodontology, 80(4), 550-564.

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Healing/Wound Repair

Andersen, K. -., Selvig, K. A., & Leknes, K. (2003). Altered healing following mucogingival surgery in a patient with crohn’s disease: A literature review and case report. Journal of Periodontology, 74(4), 537-546.

Cummings, L. C., Kaldahl, W. B., & Allen, E. P. (2005). Histologic evaluation of autogenous connective tissue and acellular dermal matrix grafts in humans.Journal of Periodontology, 76(2), 178-186.

Del Pizzo, M., Modica, F., Bethaz, N., Priotto, P., & Romagnoli, R. (2002). The connective tissue graft: A comparative clinical evaluation of wound healing at the palatal donor site. A preliminary study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 29(9), 848-854.

Goldstein, M., Boyan, B. D., Cochran, D. L., & Schwartz, Z. (2001). Human histology of new attachment after root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 28(7), 657-662.

Harris, R. J. (1999). Successful root coverage: A human histologic evaluation of a case. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 19(5), 439-447.

Harris, R. J. (2001). Histologic evaluation of root coverage obtained with GTR in humans: A case report. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 21(3), 240-251.

Harris, R. J. (2003). Histologic evaluation of connective tissue grafts in humans.International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 23(6), 575-583.

Lee, E. J., Meraw, S. J., Oh, T. J., Giannobile, W. V., & Wang, H. L. (2002). Comparative histologic analysis of coronally advanced flap with and without collagen membrane for root coverage. Journal of Periodontology, 73(7), 779-788.

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Rasperini, G., Silvestri, M., Schenk, R. K., & Nevins, M. L. (2000). Clinical and histologic evaluation of human gingival recession treated with a subepithelial connective tissue graft and enamel matrix derivative (emdogain): A case report.International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 20(3), 269-275.

Periodontal-Orthodontic Considerations

Bošnjak, A., Jorgić-Srdjak, K., Maričević, T., & Plančak, D. (2002). The width of clinically-defined keratinized gingiva in the mixed dentition. Journal of Dentistry for Children, 69(3), 266-270.

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Pikdoken, L., Erkan, M., & Usumez, S. (2009). Gingival response to mandibular incisor extrusion. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 135(4), 432.e1-432.e6.

Prato, G. P., Baccetti, T., Giorgetti, R., Agudio, G., & Cortellini, P. (2000). Mucogingival interceptive surgery of buccally-erupted premolars in patients scheduled for orthodontic treatment. II. surgically treated versus nonsurgically treated cases. Journal of Periodontology, 71(2), 182-187.

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