Bridges RB, Anderson JW, Saxe SR, Gregory K, Bridges SR. Periodontal status of diabetic and non-diabetic men: Effects of smoking, glycemic control, and socioeconomic factors. J.Periodontol. 1996;67(11):1185-1192.

Fisher MA, Taylor GW. A prediction model for chronic kidney disease includes periodontal disease. J.Periodontol. 2009 Jan;80(1):16-23.

Grossi SG, Skrepcinski FB, DeCaro T, Robertson DC, Ho AW, Dunford RG, et al. Treatment of periodontal disease in diabetics reduces glycated hemoglobin. J.Periodontol. 1997;68(8):713-719.

Katz J, Chaushu G, Sgan-Cohen HD. Relationship of blood glucose level to community periodontal index of treatment needs and body mass index in a permanent Israeli military population. J.Periodontol. 2000;71(10):1521-1527.

Kaur G, Holtfreter B, Rathmann WG, Schwahn C, Wallaschofski H, Schipf S, et al. Association between type 1 and type 2 diabetes with periodontal disease and tooth loss. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2009;36(9):765-774.

Moore PA, Weyant RJ, Mongelluzzo MB, Myers DE, Rossie K, Guggenheimer J, et al. Type 1 diabetes mellitus and oral health: assessment of periodontal disease. J.Periodontol. 1999 Apr;70(4):409-417.

Shimazaki Y, Saito T, Yonemoto K, Kiyohara Y, Iida M, Yamashita Y. Relationship of metabolic syndrome to periodontal disease in Japanese women: The Hisayama study. J.Dent.Res. 2007;86(3):271-275.

Stewart JE, Wager KA, Friedlander AH, Zadeh HH. The effect of periodontal treatment on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2001;28(4):306-310.

Taylor GW, Burt BA, Becker MP, Genco RJ, Shlossman M, Knowler WC, et al. Severe periodontitis and risk for poor glycemic control in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J.Periodontol. 1996;67(10 SUPPL.):1085-1093.

Tsai C, Hayes C, Taylor GW. Glycemic control of type 2 diabetes and severe periodontal disease in the US adult population. Community Dent.Oral Epidemiol. 2002;30(3):182-192.

Wang TT, Chen TH, Wang PE, Lai H, Lo MT, Chen PY, et al. A population-based study on the association between type 2 diabetes and periodontal disease in 12,123 middle-aged Taiwanese (KCIS No. 21). J.Clin.Periodontol. 2009 May;36(5):372-379.

Pregnancy / Hormonal Factors

Agueda A, Ramón JM, Manau C, Guerrero A, Echeverría JJ. Periodontal disease as a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes: A prospective cohort study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008;35(1):16-22.

Bassani DG, Olinto MTA, Kreiger N. Periodontal disease and perinatal outcomes: A case-control study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2007;34(1):31-39.

Boggess KA, Lieff S, Murtha AP, Moss K, Beck J, Offenbacher S. Maternal periodontal disease is associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003 Feb;101(2):227-231.

Canakci V, Canakci CF, Yildirim A, Ingec M, Eltas A, Erturk A. Periodontal disease increases the risk of severe pre-eclampsia among pregnant women. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2007;34(8):639-645.

Contreras A, Herrera JA, Soto JE, Arce RM, Jaramillo A, Botero JE. Periodontitis is associated with preeclampsia in pregnant women. J.Periodontol. 2006 Feb;77(2):182-188.

Cota LO, Guimaraes AN, Costa JE, Lorentz TC, Costa FO. Association between maternal periodontitis and an increased risk of preeclampsia. J.Periodontol. 2006 Dec;77(12):2063-2069.

Dasanayake AP. Poor periodontal health of the pregnant woman as a risk factor for low birth weight. Annals of Periodontology 1998 Jul;3(1):206-212.

Davenport ES, Williams CE, Sterne JA, Sivapathasundram V, Fearne JM, Curtis MA. The East London Study of Maternal Chronic Periodontal Disease and Preterm Low Birth Weight Infants: study design and prevalence data. Annals of Periodontology 1998 Jul;3(1):213-221.

Gomes-Filho IS, Da Cruz SS, Rezende EJC, Da Silveira BBDB, Trindade SC, Passos JS, et al. Periodontal status as predictor of prematurity and low birth weight. J.Public Health Dent. 2006;66(4):295-298.

Grodstein F, Colditz GA, Stampfer MJ. Post-menopausal hormone use and tooth loss: a prospective study. J.Am.Dent.Assoc. 1996 quiz 392; Mar;127(3):370-377.

Lieff S, Boggess KA, Murtha AP, Jared H, Madianos PN, Moss K, et al. The oral conditions and pregnancy study: periodontal status of a cohort of pregnant women. J.Periodontol. 2004 Jan;75(1):116-126.

Lohsoonthorn V, Kungsadalpipob K, Chanchareonsook P, Limpongsanurak S, Vanichjakvong O, Sutdhibhisal S, et al. Is maternal periodontal disease a risk factor for preterm delivery?. Am.J.Epidemiol. 2009 Mar 15;169(6):731-739.

Lunardelli AN, Peres MA. Is there an association between periodontal disease, prematurity and low birth weight? a population-based study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005;32(9):938-946.

Machtei EE, Mahler D, Sanduri H, Peled M. The effect of menstrual cycle on periodontal health. J.Periodontol. 2004;75(3):408-412.

Moss KL, Beck JD, Offenbacher S. Clinical risk factors associated with incidence and progression of periodontal conditions in pregnant women. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005 May;32(5):492-498.

Offenbacher S, Katz V, Fertik G, Collins J, Boyd D, Maynor G, et al. Periodontal infection as a possible risk factor for preterm low birth weight. J.Periodontol. 1996;67(10 SUPPL.):1103-1113.

Srinivas SK, Sammel MD, Stamilio DM, Clothier B, Jeffcoat MK, Parry S, et al. Periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes: is there an association?. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2009 May;200(5):497.e1-497.e8.

Taichman LS, Eklund SA. Oral contraceptives and periodontal diseases: Rethinking the association based upon analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data. J.Periodontol. 2005;76(8):1374-1385.

Uslu Toygar H, Seydaoglu G, Kurklu S, Guzeldemir E, Arpak N. Periodontal health and adverse pregnancy outcome in 3,576 Turkish women. J.Periodontol. 2007;78(11):2081-2094.


Arbes SJ,Jr, Slade GD, Beck JD. Association between extent of periodontal attachment loss and self-reported history of heart attack: an analysis of NHANES III data. J.Dent.Res. 1999 Dec;78(12):1777-1782.

Bahekar AA, Singh S, Saha S, Molnar J, Arora R. The prevalence and incidence of coronary heart disease is significantly increased in periodontitis: a meta-analysis.[see comment]. Am.Heart J. 2007 Nov;154(5):830-837.

Beck JD, Eke P, Heiss G, Madianos P, Couper D, Lin D, et al. Periodontal disease and coronary heart disease: a reappraisal of the exposure. Circulation 2005 Jul 5;112(1):19-24.

Beck JD, Offenbacher S. Systemic effects of periodontitis: Epidemiology of periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. J.Periodontol. 2005;76(11 SUPPL.):2089-2100.

Buhlin K, Gustafsson A, Hakansson J, Klinge B. Oral health and cardiovascular disease in Sweden. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2002 Mar;29(3):254-259.

Elter JR, Champagne CME, Offenbacher S, Beck JD. Relationship of periodontal disease and tooth loss to prevalence of coronary heart disease. J.Periodontol. 2004;75(6):782-790.

Elter JR, Offenbacher S, Toole JF, Beck JD. Relationship of periodontal disease and edentulism to stroke/TIA. J.Dent.Res. 2003 Dec;82(12):998-1001.

Emingil G, Buduneli E, Aliyev A, Akilli A, Atilla G. Association between periodontal disease and acute myocardial infarction. J.Periodontol. 2000;71(12):1882-1886.

Geerts SO, Legrand V, Charpentier J, Albert A, Rompen EH. Further evidence of the association between periodontal conditions and coronary artery disease. J.Periodontol. 2004 Sep;75(9):1274-1280.

Grau AJ, Becher H, Ziegler CM, Lichy C, Buggle F, Kaiser C, et al. Periodontal disease as a risk factor for ischemic stroke. Stroke 2004 Feb;35(2):496-501.

Hujoel PP, Drangsholt M, Spiekerman C, Derouen TA. Examining the link between coronary heart disease and the elimination of chronic dental infections. J.Am.Dent.Assoc. 2001 Jul;132(7):883-889.

Hujoel PP, Drangsholt M, Spiekerman C, DeRouen TA. Periodontitis-systemic disease associations in the presence of smoking–causal or coincidental?. Periodontol 2000. 2002;30:51-60.

Janket S-, Baird AE, Chuang S-, Jones JA. Meta-analysis of periodontal disease and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Oral Surg.Oral Med.Oral Pathol.Oral Radiol.Endod. 2003;95(5):559-569.

Johansson CS, Richter A, Lundström Å, Thorstensson H, Ravald N. Periodontal conditions in patients with coronary heart disease: A case-control study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008;35(3):199-205.

Katz J, Flugelman MY, Goldberg A, Heft M. Association between periodontal pockets and elevated cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. J.Periodontol. 2002;73(5):494-500.

Lee HJ, Garcia RI, Janket SJ, Jones JA, Mascarenhas AK, Scott TE, et al. The association between cumulative periodontal disease and stroke history in older adults. J.Periodontol. 2006 Oct;77(10):1744-1754.

López R, Oyarzún M, Naranjo C, Cumsille F, Ortiz M, Baelum V. Coronary heart disease and periodontitis – A case control study in Chilean adults. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2002;29(5):468-473.

Malthaner SC, Moore S, Mills M, Saad R, Sabatini R, Takacs V, et al. Investigation of the association between angiographically defined coronary artery disease and periodontal disease. J.Periodontol. 2002 Oct;73(10):1169-1176.

Offenbacher S, Beck JD, Moss K, Mendoza L, Paquette DW, Barrow DA, et al. Results from the Periodontitis and Vascular Events (PAVE) study: A pilot multicentered, randomized, controlled trial to study effects of periodontal therapy in a secondary prevention model of cardiovascular disease. J.Periodontol. 2009;80(2):190-201.

Persson GR, Persson RE. Cardiovascular disease and periodontitis: an update on the associations and risk. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008 Sep;35(8 Suppl):362-379.

Shimazaki Y, Saito T, Kiyohara Y, Kato I, Kubo M, Iida M, et al. Relationship between electrocardiographic abnormalities and periodontal disease: the Hisayama Study. J.Periodontol. 2004 Jun;75(6):791-797.

Sim S-, Kim H-, Moon J-, Zavras AI, Zdanowicz J, Jang S-, et al. Periodontitis and the risk for non-fatal stroke in Korean adults. J.Periodontol. 2008;79(9):1652-1658.

Tabrizi F, Buhlin K, Gustafsson A, Klinge B. Oral health of monozygotic twins with and without coronary heart disease: A pilot study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2007;34(3):220-225.

Tonetti MS. Periodontitis and risk for atherosclerosis: An update on intervention trials. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2009;36(SUPPL. 10):15-19.

Tuominen R, Reunanen A, Paunio M, Paunio I, Aromaa A. Oral health indicators poorly predict coronary heart disease deaths. J.Dent.Res. 2003;82(9):713-718.

Andriankaja OM, Genco RJ, Dorn J, Dmochowski J, Hovey K, Falkner KL, et al. The use of different measurements and definitions of periodontal disease in the study of the association between periodontal disease and risk of myocardial infarction. J.Periodontol. 2006;77(6):1067-1073.

General Risk Factor Papers

Bahrami G, Vaeth M, Kirkevang LL, Wenzel A, Isidor F. Risk factors for tooth loss in an adult population: a radiographic study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008 Dec;35(12):1059-1065.

Borges-Yanez SA, Irigoyen-Camacho ME, Maupome G. Risk factors and prevalence of periodontitis in community-dwelling elders in Mexico. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2006 Mar;33(3):184-194.

Bouchard P, Boutouyrie P, Mattout C, Bourgeois D. Risk assessment for severe clinical attachment loss in an adult population. J.Periodontol. 2006;77(3):479-489.

Copeland LB, Krall EA, Brown LJ, Garcia RI, Streckfus CF. Predictors of tooth loss in two US adult populations. J.Public Health Dent. 2004;64(1):31-37.

Corraini P, Baelum V, Pannuti CM, Pustiglioni AN, Romito GA, Pustiglioni FE. Risk indicators for increased probing depth in an isolated population in Brazil. J.Periodontol. 2008;79(9):1726-1734.

Craig RG, Boylan R, Yip J, Bamgboye P, Koutsoukos J, Mijares D, et al. Prevalence and risk indicators for destructive periodontal diseases in 3 urban American minority populations. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2001 Jun;28(6):524-535.

Dietrich T, Garcia RI. Associations between periodontal disease and systemic disease: Evaluating the strength of the evidence. J.Periodontol. 2005;76(11 SUPPL.):2175-2184.

Dietrich T, Stosch U, Dietrich D, Kaiser W, Bernimoulin JP, Joshipura K. Prediction of periodontal disease from multiple self-reported items in a German practice-based sample. J.Periodontol. 2007 Jul;78(7 Suppl):1421-1428.

Hamasha AA, Sasa I, Al-Qudah M. Risk indicators associated with tooth loss in Jordanian adults. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology 2000 Feb;28(1):67-72.

Hyman JJ, Reid BC. Epidemiologic risk factors for periodontal attachment loss among adults in the United States. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2003 Mar;30(3):230-237.

Kocher T, Schwahn C, Gesch D, Bernhardt O, John U, Meisel P, et al. Risk determinants of periodontal disease – An analysis of the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP 0). J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005;32(1):59-67.

Lang NP, Schätzle MA, Löe H. Gingivitis as a risk factor in periodontal disease. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2009;36(SUPPL. 10):3-8.

Neely AL, Holford TR, Loe H, Anerud A, Boysen H. The natural history of periodontal disease in man. Risk factors for progression of attachment loss in individuals receiving no oral health care. J.Periodontol. 2001 Aug;72(8):1006-1015.

Norderyd O, Hugoson A, Grusovin G. Risk of severe periodontal disease in a Swedish adult population. A longitudinal study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 1999 Sep;26(9):608-615.

Ogawa H, Yoshihara A, Hirotomi T, Ando Y, Miyazaki H. Risk factors for periodontal disease progression among elderly people. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2002;29(7):592-597.

Page RC, Krall EA, Martin J, Mancl L, Garcia RI. Validity and accuracy of a risk calculator in predicting periodontal disease. J.Am.Dent.Assoc. 2002 May;133(5):569-576.

Paulander J, Wennstrom JL, Axelsson P, Lindhe J. Some risk factors for periodontal bone loss in 50-year-old individuals. A 10-year cohort study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2004 Jul;31(7):489-496.

Persson GR, Persson RE, Hollender LG, Kiyak HA. The impact of ethnicity, gender, and marital status on periodontal and systemic health of older subjects in the trials to enhance elders’ teeth and oral health (TEETH). J.Periodontol. 2004;75(6):817-823.

Susin C, Valle P, Oppermann RV, Haugejorden O, Albandar JM. Occurrence and risk indicators of increased probing depth in an adult Brazilian population. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005;32(2):123-129.

Tanner AC, Kent R,Jr, Van Dyke T, Sonis ST, Murray LA. Clinical and other risk indicators for early periodontitis in adults. J.Periodontol. 2005 Apr;76(4):573-581.

Thomson WM, Williams SM. Partial- or full-mouth approaches to assessing the prevalence of and risk factors for periodontal disease in young adults. J.Periodontol. 2002 Sep;73(9):1010-1014.

Timmerman MF, Van der Weijden GA, Abbas F, Arief EM, Armand S, Winkel EG, et al. Untreated periodontal disease in Indonesian adolescents. Longitudinal clinical data and prospective clinical and microbiological risk assessment. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2000 Dec;27(12):932-942.

Torrungruang K, Tamsailom S, Rojanasomsith K, Sutdhibhisal S, Nisapakultorn K, Vanichjakvong O, et al. Risk indicators of periodontal disease in older Thai adults. J.Periodontol. 2005 Apr;76(4):558-565.

Ylostalo PV, Knuuttila ML. Confounding and effect modification: possible explanation for variation in the results on the association between oral and systemic diseases. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2006 Feb;33(2):104-108.

Susin C, Dalla Vecchia CF, Oppermann RV, Haugejorden O, Albandar JM. Periodontal attachment loss in an urban population of brazilian adults: Effect of demographic, behavioral, and environmental risk indicators. J.Periodontol. 2004;75(7):1033-1041.

Gilbert GH, Shelton BJ, Chavers LS, Bradford EH,Jr. Predicting tooth loss during a population-based study: role of attachment level in the presence of other dental conditions. J.Periodontol. 2002 Dec;73(12):1427-1436.

Neely AL, Holford TR, Löe H, Ånerud Å, Boysen H. The natural history of periodontal disease in humans: Risk factors for tooth loss in caries-free subjects receiving no oral health care. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005;32(9):984-993.

Neely AL, Holford TR, Löe H, Ånerud A, Boysen H. The Natural History of Periodontal Disease in Man. Risk Factors for Progression of Attachment Loss in Individuals Receiving No Oral Health Care. J.Periodontol. 2001;72(8):1006-1015.


Albandar JM, Streckfus CF, Adesanya MR, Winn DM. Cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoking as risk factors for periodontal disease and tooth loss. J.Periodontol. 2000 Dec;71(12):1874-1881.

Amarasena N, Ekanayaka AN, Herath L, Miyazaki H. Tobacco use and oral hygiene as risk indicators for periodontitis. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology 2002 Apr;30(2):115-123.

Axelsson P, Paulander J, Lindhe J. Relationship between smoking and dental status in 35-, 50-, 65-, and 75-year-old individuals. J.Clin.Periodontol. 1998 Apr;25(4):297-305.

Do LG, Slade GD, Roberts-Thomson KF, Sanders AE. Smoking-attributable periodontal disease in the Australian adult population. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008 May;35(5):398-404.

Fisher MA, Taylor GW, Tilashalski KR. Smokeless tobacco and severe active periodontal disease, NHANES III. J.Dent.Res. 2005 Aug;84(8):705-710.

Hanioka T, Ojima M, Tanaka K, Aoyama H. Relationship between smoking status and tooth loss: findings from national databases in Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 2007 Jul;17(4):125-132.

Hyman JJ, Winn DM, Reid BC. The role of cigarette smoking in the association between periodontal disease and coronary heart disease. J.Periodontol. 2002 Sep;73(9):988-994.

Natto S, Baljoon M, Bergström J. Tobacco smoking and periodontal bone height in a Saudi Arabian population. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005;32(9):1000-1006.

Shimazaki Y, Saito T, Kiyohara Y, Kato I, Kubo M, Iida M, et al. The influence of current and former smoking on gingival bleeding: The hisayama study. J.Periodontol. 2006;77(8):1430-1435.

Susin C, Oppermann RV, Haugejorden O, Albandar JM. Periodontal attachment loss attributable to cigarette smoking in an urban Brazilian population. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2004;31(11):951-958.

Thomson WM, Broadbent JM, Welch D, Beck JD, Poulton R. Cigarette smoking and periodontal disease among 32-year-olds: A prospective study of a representative birth cohort. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2007;34(10):828-834.

Thomson WM, Poulton R, Broadbent JM, Moffitt TE, Caspi A, Beck JD, et al. Cannabis smoking and periodontal disease among young adults. JAMA 2008 Feb 6;299(5):525-531.

Torrungruang K, Nisapakultorn K, Sutdhibhisal S, Tamsailom S, Rojanasomsith K, Vanichjakvong O, et al. The effect of cigarette smoking on the severity of periodontal disease among older Thai adults. J.Periodontol. 2005 Apr;76(4):566-572.

Axelsson P, Paulander J, Lindhe J. Relationship between smoking and dental status in 35-, 50-, 65-, and 75-year-old individuals. J.Clin.Periodontol. 1998;25(4):297-305.



Al-Zahrani MS. Increased intake of dairy products is related to lower periodontitis prevalence. J.Periodontol. 2006 Feb;77(2):289-294.

Al-Zahrani MS, Bissada NF, Borawskit EA. Obesity and periodontal disease in young, middle-aged, and older adults. J.Periodontol. 2003 May;74(5):610-615.

Da Silva Furtado Amaral C, Luiz RR, Leão ATT. The relationship between alcohol dependence and periodontal disease. J.Periodontol. 2008;79(6):993-998.

Dalla Vecchia CF, Susin C, Rosing CK, Oppermann RV, Albandar JM. Overweight and obesity as risk indicators for periodontitis in adults. J.Periodontol. 2005 Oct;76(10):1721-1728.

Dye BA, Kruszon-Moran D, McQuillan G. The relationship between periodontal disease attributes and Helicobacter pylori infection among adults in the United States. Am.J.Public Health 2002 Nov;92(11):1809-1815.

Kongstad J, Hvidtfeldt UA, Grønbæk M, Jontell M, Stoltze K, Holmstrup P. Amount and type of alcohol and periodontitis in the Copenhagen City Heart Study. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008;35(12):1032-1039.

Kushiyama M, Shimazaki Y, Murakami M, Yamashita Y. Relationship between intake of green tea and periodontal disease. J.Periodontol. 2009;80(3):372-377.

Linden G, Patterson C, Evans A, Kee F. Obesity and periodontitis in 60-70-year-old men. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2007;34(6):461-466.

Pitiphat W, Merchant AT, Rimm EB, Joshipura KJ. Alcohol consumption increases periodontitis risk. J.Dent.Res. 2003 Jul;82(7):509-513.

Shimazaki Y, Saito T, Kiyohara Y, Kato I, Kubo M, Iida M, et al. Relationship between drinking and periodontitis: The Hisayama study. J.Periodontol. 2005;76(9):1534-1541.

Shimazaki Y, Shirota T, Uchida K, Yonemoto K, Kiyohara Y, Iida M, et al. Intake of dairy products and periodontal disease: The Hisayama study. J.Periodontol. 2008;79(1):131-137.

Tezal M, Grossi SG, Ho AW, Genco RJ. Alcohol consumption and periodontal disease: The third national health and nutrition examination survey. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2004;31(7):484-488.

Vecchia CFD, Susin C, Rösing CK, Oppermann RV, Albandar JM. Overweight and obesity as risk indicators for periodontitis in adults. J.Periodontol. 2005;76(10):1721-1728.

Wood N, Johnson RB. The relationship between tomato intake and congestive heart failure risk in periodontitis subjects. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2004 Jul;31(7):574-580.

Ylöstalo P, Suominen-Taipale L, Reunanen A, Knuuttila M. Association between body weight and periodontal infection. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008;35(4):297-304.

Psychosocial Factors

Akhter R, Hannan MA, Okhubo R, Morita M. Relationship between stress factor and periodontal disease in a rural area population in Japan. Eur.J.Med.Res. 2005 Aug 17;10(8):352-357.

Dolan TA, Gilbert GH, Ringelberg ML, Legler DW, Antonson DE, Foerster U, et al. Behavioral risk indicators of attachment loss in adult Floridians. J.Clin.Periodontol. 1997 Apr;24(4):223-232.

Dolic M, Bailer J, Staehle HJ, Eickholz P. Psychosocial factors as risk indicators of periodontitis. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005;32(11):1134-1140.

Dye BA, Selwitz RH. The relationship between selected measures of periodontal status and demographic and behavioural risk factors. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005 Jul;32(7):798-808.

Teng H-, Lee C-, Hung H-, Tsai C-, Chang Y-, Yang Y-C, et al. Lifestyle and psychosocial factors associated with chronic periodontitis in Taiwanese adults. J.Periodontol. 2003;74(8):1169-1175.

Vettore M, Quintanilha RS, Monteiro Da Silva AM, Lamarca GA, Leão ATT. The influence of stress and anxiety on the response of non-surgical periodontal treatment. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005;32(12):1226-1235.

Other Factors

Garcia RI, Nunn ME, Vokonas PS. Epidemiologic associations between periodontal disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Annals of Periodontology 2001 Dec;6(1):71-77.

Gomes-Filho IS, Passos JDS, Cruz SS, Vianna MIP, Cerqueira EDMM, Oliveira DC, et al. The association between postmenopausal osteoporosis and periodontal disease. J.Periodontol. 2007;78(9):1731-1740.

Gomes-Filho IS, Santos CML, Cruz SS, Passos JDS, Cerqueira EDMM, Costa MDCN, et al. Periodontitis and nosocomial lower respiratory tract infection: Preliminary findings. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2009;36(5):380-387.

McDevitt MJ, Wang H-, Knobelman C, Newman MG, Di Giovine FS, Timms J, et al. Interleukin-1 genetic association with periodontitis in clinical practice. J.Periodontol. 2000;71(2):156-163.

Mercado F, Marshall RI, Klestov AC, Bartold PM. Is there a relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease?. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2000 Apr;27(4):267-272.

Michaud DS, Liu Y, Meyer M, Giovannucci E, Joshipura K. Periodontal disease, tooth loss, and cancer risk in male health professionals: a prospective cohort study. Lancet Oncology 2008 Jun;9(6):550-558.

Migliorati CA. Periodontal diseases and cancer. Lancet Oncology 2008 Jun;9(6):510-512.

Nishida M, Grossi SG, Dunford RG, Ho AW, Trevisan M, Genco RJ. Calcium and the risk for periodontal disease. J.Periodontol. 2000 Jul;71(7):1057-1066.

Pitiphat W, Savetsilp W, Wara-Aswapati N. C-reactive protein associated with periodontitis in a Thai population. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008;35(2):120-125.

Rahardjo A, Yoshihara A, Amarasena N, Ogawa H, Nakashima K, Miyazaki H. Relationship between bleeding on probing and periodontal disease progression in community-dwelling older adults. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2005;32(11):1129-1133.

Salzberg TN, Overstreet BT, Rogers JD, Califano JV, Best AM, Schenkein HA. C-reactive protein levels in patients with aggressive periodontitis. J.Periodontol. 2006;77(6):933-939.

Söder B, Jin LJ, Klinge B, Söder P-. Periodontitis and premature death: A 16-year longitudinal study in a Swedish urban population. J.Periodont.Res. 2007;42(4):361-366.

Tezal M, Grossi SG, Genco RJ. Is periodontitis associated with oral neoplasms?. J.Periodontol. 2005 Mar;76(3):406-410.

Wactawski-Wende J, Grossi SG, Trevisan M, Genco RJ, Tezal M, Dunford RG, et al. The role of osteopenia in oral bone loss and periodontal disease. J.Periodontol. 1996;67(10 SUPPL.):1076-1084.

Weyant RJ, Pearlstein ME, Churak AP, Forrest K, Famili P, Cauley JA. The association between osteopenia and periodontal attachment loss in older women. J.Periodontol. 1999;70(9):982-991.

Silva N, Dutzan N, Hernandez M, Dezerega A, Rivera O, Aguillon JC, et al. Characterization of progressive periodontal lesions in chronic periodontitis patients: Levels of chemokines, cytokines, matrix metalloproteinase-13, periodontal pathogens and inflammatory cells. J.Clin.Periodontol. 2008;35(3):206-214.

Armitage GC, Wu Y, Wang H-, Sorrell J, Di Giovine FS, Duff GW. Low prevalence of a periodontitis-associated interleukin-1 composite genotype in individuals of Chinese heritage. J.Periodontol. 2000;71(2):164-171.