Based on feedback from program directors, the AAP’s Education Committee and a subgroup of volunteers have developed educational modules: high-quality periodontal educational content that can be integrated into a program curriculum or used as a study club. These modular courses, collectively known as AAP Education Access, may be particularly useful in programs that have few or no periodontists on faculty.

These gateways for access by dental students and periodontal residents will provide greater learning opportunities and introduce students to the value provided through the Academy and its leadership.

Modules have been created for predoctoral and postdoctoral use:

2022 Education Access Predoctoral Modules

Developed by a workgroup led by Dr. Binnaz Leblebicioglu.

These modules have been prepared in PowerPoint presentations. One can study them by reading slides in order like regular lectures. However, they also intentionally do not follow traditional lecture format:

The text on each slide is hyperlinked to several other slides to read an in-depth review of the specific statement, question evidence, search for more literature, and go through a case presentation that is related to the content.

There are “back” and “next” link options incorporated within the case presentation and/or at the end of each subcategory to help the reader to go back to where they started following a review of the literature and/or a case discussion or, simply move to the next subcategory within the module.

The intent with these links is to create an interactive review of the material allowing the student to make case-specific decision and then, allow them to question their knowledge on evidence for the expected outcomes and to determine whether specific opted decisions were ideal for the specific case management.

Download: Module I: Top 12 Common Medications

Learning Objectives

  • Name medical conditions that are most likely seen in adults seeking dental care
  • Identify the most common medications used to treat these conditions
  • Identify the impact of these major medication classes on dental treatment

Download: Module II: Antibiotics and Host Modulators to Treat Periodontal Diseases

Learning Objectives

  • List the systemic antibiotics prescribed as an adjunct to periodontal therapy, Describe their mechanism and indications/contraindications.
  • Provide the rational for local antibiotic delivery treatment option as an adjunct to periodontal therapy, Describe the mechanism, indications/contraindications, advantages/limitations of local antibiotic delivery.
  • What is the critical benefit of including systemic and/or local antibiotics in threating periodontitis? Provide experimental evidence supporting their usage

Download: Module III: Oral Hygiene Products

Learning Objectives

  • Provide the rationale for using chemicals as adjuncts to mechanical biofilm control
  • List the currently well-known chemicals that assist with the control of dental biofilm
  • Describe the main mechanisms of action of the chemicals that promote dental biofilm control